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Protect Members Pledge

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As a Member of Protect we will:

  • Work towards a culture where whistle-blowers can speak up freely without fear of victimisation, and we will listen and act upon concerns. Senior leaders and all managers will actively demonstrate our commitment to this.
  • Ensure effective policies and procedures are in place and are promoted regularly to staff and stakeholders.
  • Engage with all staff and ensure support is given to managers by training them how to receive and respond to concerns effectively.
  • Investigate concerns in as independent and thorough a manner as possible, making sure to separate the concerns from the person raising them, and maintaining the confidentiality of the whistle-blower wherever possible.
  • Encourage suppliers and other stakeholders to adopt effective whistleblowing arrangements.
  • Continually strive to improve our whistleblowing arrangements, and to audit and review regularly so that our organisation learns lessons from whistleblowing and improves.